Buskage, a new edition from the 1970ies, stages the iconic purist print design by nya nordiska. The softly flowing cotton underlines elegantly the subtle layout of the lines and makes it hard to perceive how easy-care the fabric with polyester content is. Reduced grass design lined up like on a pearl necklace gives the special devoré fabric its name, which is derived from the Swedish language. The positive and negative variants in neutral off-white, which are for the first time available in a large- scale print width of 300 cm, guarantee versatile application options. Discover also: Buskage colour 111 positiv
Inspiring products
€0,00The new edition of Petunia takes up the series of popular devoré designs by nya nordiska. The cotton touch of the softly flowing fabric in off-white is irresistible, processing and care are easy due to the polyester content. The airy transparency playing with the expressionist layout of the lines of blossoms and leaves, available as positive or negative design, has a both feminine and light effect. In its new edition, the design by company founder Heinz Röntgen from the 1980ies comes for the first time in large-scale print and double width 300 cm. Discover also: Petunia colour 101 positiv
€0,00Tonno is a young, graphic devoré fabric in cotton quality, which was launched for the first time in 1999. The modern positive and negative design of the softly flowing cotton blend fabric in off-white fascinates by way of its vivid structure of dancing rods that are arranged in the form of crossbars. Thanks to 300 cm width, Tonno has versatile application options and brings every room to life. The polyester content guarantees easy care of the washable textile design. Discover also: Tonno colour 131 positiv
€0,00Semi-transparent, double-width and softly flowing: Simply captivates alone by its natural look with strieé charm or as a complementary plain to the burnout series to Petunia, Polka, Buskage & Co. The interplay between transparency and semi-transparency as well as plain and pattern provides vibrancy and yet gives a harmonious and balanced overall picture.
€0,00The burnt-out fabric Clouds also toys with transparency and opacity in a striped grid, but produces a completely different effect here: its flowingly tapering lines conjure up a delicate, naturalist cloudscape. This alters with changing daylight and becomes more distinct the darker the background. The 300 cm wide fabric is particularly suited for big draperies because it is then that the filigree cloud motif becomes strikingly visible.